the last few weeks, any time I've gone to the store, I've had to
negotiate carefully past displays that urge us to spend money to show our love.
Chocolate dipped strawberries, cakes, cookies, flowers, champagne,
wine, stuffed animals (destined for the thrift store donation pile
a lot easier to play at romantic love than to nurture the real thing.
“Falling in love” is probably one of the easiest things in the
world to do.
there's eye contact, then a smile, then that spark of attraction.
Those endorphins in our brains send our hearts soaring when the
interest is mutual—yes, that's the falling in love part. The
feeling we get comes from a chemical in our bodies called oxytocin.
Then people try to hold onto that feeling with flowers and chocolate.
Unfortunately, a selfless sacrificial love isn't shown by calories and flowers that will be dead in a week or so.
of the most romantic movies (and the only one in which I can tolerate
Kevin Costner, besides Field
of Dreams)
is Robin
Hood: Prince of Thieves.
Toward the end of the movie, when Robin comes to rescue Marian, she
tells him,“ You came for're alive...”
replies by saying, “I would die
for you.” (Swoon!)
that's worth a whole lot more than roses and chocolate. That's the
stuff of real love. You can't buy that in a store at any price.
you've found that type of love, you won't keep it with typical gifts,
and if you're looking for that type of love, you won't earn it by
those kinds of gifts either.
chocolate, chocolate, chocolate will win points any time.
will genuine gestures of love instead of an over-the-top budget
blowout once a year.